News Raids

Laurions Song – Live

New Year – New Raids

Laurions song launched in December pretty smoothly without problems (well, apart from the colossal crap of personas), and following up in January came the first two raids.I benched for the first one, so here is a screenshot from when we tested it in beta (and I didn’t post about it).

A pretty “classic” type of event arena thing set in the sand elves city, not too hard but reasonably different to be interesting.

And the second raid – slap the hand in mischief, I kinda had my hands full, so grabbing screenshots was a tad difficult, but I got a couple and augmented again, with some from beta.

Its one that takes a bit of getting used to, but will no doubt be easy down the line, and of course we beat both the first day trying.

and that’s about it.