
TOL Live Episode 3

Terror of Luclin Tier 3

(and bonus anniversary content)

Long have I waited,

So then, its tier 3 time, with the first event “Basilica of Adumbration  –  Oubliette of Light”, which we got to beta test all the way back in October last year.

Not a lot seemed to have changed since we tested it with Absor, testament for a fine developer and a bunch of clowns finding a few bugs.

Umber and Fade still roll, and the animation never gets old.

oh, and the spooky thing at the end is still creepy af.

The other Tier 3 events take place in Bloodfalls, one gated behind the other, which is ironic as it involves a gate.

The first one, some shitty vampire thing, is one of my least favourite events in EQ to date.

due to the mechanics, to make controlling the ticks easier, we have to bunch up, therefore, my view of the raid for most of it is, just a mass of players

And the final, which at the point of writing, we have not beaten yet, is a whole load of HODOR, I will do another news update to cover that.

Also, its the time of year for the Anniversary event, we are blessed with a leap back in time of 22 years, visiting Karnors for Venril Sathir.

A sweet little event, with better loot than anything else current, at a fraction of the difficulty, and yes, Venril dropped his pants for us.

And finally, extra bonus content, just some ego push because his screenshot got dropped down from the last report, Xyko with a bunch of dummies