
Two faces,One vision and Raising the dead.

Well well well  here i am again,  with great news from the battlefields.

To make a long story short we won CoB under a week ago

Since we are flagged for Sepulcher we took a look.

We found this.
and our reward
insert random Woooot , yaaay etc here.
 some teaseres for all you out there
So since we were here , we decided to check out next raid too
and found
 our precious
now for the teaseres
Spoiler warning !!!!
as request i´m going to tell you all how we do this
we use Gnomes
yea its right we use Gnomes and alot of them
of course DEAD !!
I am afraid we have some very bad news.
The corpse of Anlak was found earlier and it is in a really bad shape.
Currently no one seems to know what happened. /mourn Anlak. !!!
Anlak over and out

We met the lawgiver and kicked his ass.

Well it is that time again obviously.

Of course we have to start with the obligatory dead kitty piccie. 🙂

Thanks to Zaph for noticing the next one. At least I can now blame Zaph for making me post this with a gun to my head. He said he would shoot me if I didn’t post it. Honest gov. <gulps>

Admittedly she might have had a point there………..

But anyway, onto more important stuff now.

City of Bronze has been really kicking our ass for a while now and I’m sure the bosses have all gained a few levels in the time.

A couple of guys who really gained a lot of exp at our expense


Mind you as you can see they are both on 0% health in those pictures so needless to say they both keeled over pretty quickly after that. hehe

Very shortly after they died this happened

Followed very quickly by

Hmm then you get the evidence about Adroxia ninjaing all our loot as usual. 🙂

Some not bad loot was had that night.



We Came, We Saw, We Kicked It’s Ass

First off, we are currently looking for some shaman to join our ranks.


I wasn’t quite expecting to be writing a new news update quite so soon but we did something great last night. We really kicked ass big time.

Next we have the good looking one. :-

Sorry, couldn’t rsist that one.

Well ok no, That’s not what we were raiding but it’s always nice to get nice death piccies of our illustrious leaders. <giggles>. Ok no DKP for me for about 6 months now, Well worth it. <grins>

Anyway, for the last week or three, we have been working our way into Windsong Sanctuary.

We have been making steady progress but last night everything just seemed to come together.

This bloke

Really wasn’t expecting what happened.

Erm, forgive the fact the above screenie has him at 35% rather than 100%, I wasn’t expecting what happened so didn’t bother taking any screenshots of him at 100%. Well, you get the picture anyway.

After a bit of heeing and hawing and tooing and frowing. i’m not sure any of those words actually exist but what the hell, just call it poetic license. :), We ended up with this.


and then the SPAM appeared as usual but yay us.

And finally the loot, always a crowd pleaser. Congratulations to all the people who won. 🙂

Well that’s it for another News Update. Until next time. Expect a City of Bronze update very soon. 🙂