Well hey there Pikey fans and welcome to a new expansion. Ok the new expansion was released
a few days ago but we’ve all been busy doing the new progression and tasks and missions and
KILL KILL KILL. Oops had a thought of Ouklaol there. <shudder>
First off I should say a hello to our most wonderful guild leader.

But I have to say Purr you badly need to be more careful next time.

Letting a chest land on you can be bad for your health. hehe
Next of course with a new expansion we had to contend with the scariest mob in Everquest

Do NOT let all those little love hearts fool you for one second. 🙂

Of course now we have all sorts of interesting stuff like a halfling trying to be a wizard. Sheesh. Hahaha.
Now for a bit of nostalgia. This really brings back both good and bad memories.

and finally

That last one is a bit of dwarf on dwarf action. Sorry Boukk but I simply couldn’t resist.
Ok well, last night we decided to give a raid or 2 a nice peek so first off we toodled over to Shard’s Landing for some fun and fun is exactly what we found.
We found this bloke loitering with intent.

I have no idea what his intent was so we decided to spank his botty good and proper.
A few minutes all that was left was

Followed by

And of course, there is Anlak picking the bones of the corpse. Purr you need to have a chat with that chantie. :p
It was then a bit scary when this new reward window popped up

And then obviously the expected spam arrived

And of course the bit some people scroll past all the other waffle for. THE LEWTS 🙂

So after all not a bad night at all.
TTFN but I would imagine you will be seeing more updates from me very soon.
Until the next time. 🙂