
TOFS event 3

Tserrina Syl’Tor

One of my favourite older world unique looking mobs, even though she is pretty small, but like a majority of almost 20 year old NPC models she has a very low poly count, so as to not look like total shit in a new event, she got upgraded, in a big way and its not just her wingspan…

TOFS event 3 is an interesting event with enough going on not to get boring, yet, not too much to be overwhelmed, one of the few events that encourages usage of illusions, to a degree.

The highlight of the event, was at the end with her dialog, so many talked to her without paying attention, lol gotcha !

And now we wait, for tier 3.


Chairman Alf

TOV – Till death us do part

The second event in Tower of Frozen Shadow – “Till death us do part” isnt unfortunately anything to do with Alf Garnett as I had hoped, its something to do with the floor 5 bizarre wedding setup.

The Groom (Nosja) sporting his best vampiric cyan along with his beautiful Bride (Daman) emitting an aromatic hue of rotting flesh await the ceremony to unite them under one.

As with most weddings, it has its share of guests, which on first inspection appear to be following usual comedic wedding sport of knocking the crap out of each other,

However, this time, it got some unexpected gate crashing party animals to sort out the mess.

The Doorman bouncer, showing his best stoic form, tries to help us out.

Quite a fun and slightly challenging event which through wordplay on emote debuff managed to misdirect some to doing the opposite of what they should until its explained several times.

Special shoutout to the men of the match. Bodymilk and Pelpa, this picture shows the tanking power of Bodymilk (bottom right) taking on pretty much everything, while the MVP plowed its way through Marnic, then shortly after took a dirt nap and stayed down for a majority of the event while its companions fought off everyone else.

Next up : Tserrina


Heavy, Black, and Pendulous

TOV – Heart of Frozen Shadow

Tier 2 raids of TOV take place in Tower of Frozen Shadow, however…

Due to budget cuts, there isnt a Iceclad ocean zone, and therefore no “actual” TOFS, instead we get a dwarf and a portal in Eastern wastes to take us to the interior zone, this could be forgiven in itself, if it wasnt for the knowledge that we missed out on a gargantuan updated Lodizal raid – for shame devs !

The first raid of TOFS isnt enticing, not much to look at besides one big black gonad in the middle of the room, and a more annoying than detrimental slippy ice effect on the floor.

kill the speccies, doges and boners, then torment the testicle while getting slapped in the face with a progressive debuff, thats about it.

A simple event complicated by nuisances more than a difficulty, and beaten in due course after a few days learning