News Raids

Meanwhile, last week in Night of Shadows

Night of Shadows – Tier one – Week one

As AOU had spent some considerable minutes, nay, hours, looking at Night of Shadows tier one raids in Beta, it came to no ones surprise that we beat two of the three events on our first tries, and the third event the next day.

All three of these raids i’ve covered in some detail with the beta testing, so no real need to flog my own log saying the same old shit time and time again.

The first event, something something insect something. Is the one with the giant screaming ant thing, as we beat this easily on beta, it was our first target and proved to be equally easy live.

Most guilds with even an half-awake raidforce should be able to beat it with little difficulty.

The second event with quadruple helpings of Tony Tiger showed that just navigating Shar Val to be a challenge, but equally quite beatable, however, guilds may require a fully awake raidforce to win !

And the third event, in the Pit, is just a graphics test for older machines, see how much crap you can cram in to a small area, and not immediately goose your tanks when the action is triggered.

We didn’t spend too much time with this one in Beta, so a portion of it was unknown, not that it really mattered in the end as them ugly goblinoids took a dirt nap when we figured out where and when the players needed to not AFK.

And now we wait, knocking out these events every week now until the next tier goes live.



News Raids

Vanquisher of Everything

 – Terror of Luclin, the final frontier –


I guess so, it took us long enough…. so then …

After calls of “its impossible, it cannot be done”, “we don’t have the dps for that stupid shit”, “Someone will fuck it up somehow”, I finally stopped moaning, and this week the guild did its thing.

With the “Close the gate: Underwhelming Shadows” finally solved a few days ago, as in we actually understood what needed to be done, we did it, leaving AOU with one final carbuncle of a task –

Don’t get fingered in the Oubliette.

To be grabbed by the ghoulies during one of the more unfair aura dancing events (this bit is safe, but it spawns slap in the middle of the not safe bit) brings out the sweat in me, but it was somewhat easier than not glitching through the floor which happens so so often.

With all that nonsense done, for this type 5 augment.

(Don’t tell the devs they let it be removed without a distiller, a rather boorish money sink that was totally unnecessary)

This expansion was a lot of control the player type bullshit going on, I can see the attraction of the progression servers now, simpler and more enjoyable times.  But if it was easy it wouldn’t have the attraction to play as much.

And a final note, I asked the guild to stand by the loot chest for a group screenshot, there is always that certain someone who insists on being in the center.

Until next time, the next expansion which we are hearing rumours of, keep smiling.



Terror of Luclin the final chapter’ish

TOL Close the Gate

The gate is closed

Ayy we did it, and on the hardest possible mode (they nerfed headshots/assassinate etc)

A challenging event being the most emote heavy and offtanking trash i’ve seen.

It didn’t help learning to have it locked behind that awful sex tentacle vampire thing which is on my shittest of the shit events list.

Just a shame the Venril Sathir event has gone, that was decent, with perfect RVR.


Not a lot else to say, I guess I could go on to make a recruitment post, but recruitment is always open unless you are a class we have a ton of.

“Are you tired of your guild constantly wiping to trivial stuff because the masses don’t follow instructions, or do you think your guildleadership are assholes and have a roster turnover higher than the McDonalds Travis Scott meals on a none school day, then AOU is for you.!”

Blah blah blah, we beat it, its shit lol, now onto the crappy few achievements we are missing, sorry not much else to say, and i’m not well – I won’t go into details, but its messy and smelly.