
Winter is coming ?

TOV – Torment of Velious

For years, I was used to TOV meaning Temple of Veeshan, so of course, things have to change.

Darkpaw games – or Daybreak as they were when this came out served us up a frosty treat of rehash Velious, well about half of it…

After getting a preview of some of the higher tier “things to come” raids during beta testing, we left the lower ones alone for something new and fresh when launched,

First up was Eastern Wastes – Griklor the Restless









Pretty much the same as group content but with extra annoyance of kill you if you move 1 second too slow to a npc hidden by geometry.

our first day of trying it out was met with huge xp loss and disbelief on how it would be possible, our second day shat on it like a dodgy curry the night before

Next up, same zone, second verse –  Servant of the Sleeper





Im either missing something, or they forgot to put some mechanics into this, kind of encounter that might have happened 10 years ago with the previous velious reworking

And then, we learned what not to do on a raid in Great Divide- Restless Assault

With a post update, the next day we went back, and cleared the event, Koldan (the first giant) being the only real challenge.









Velious might be old, and this is a revisit to “familiar” content, but its music to my ears, some might even say mellifluous, not to have to dress up as a frog with helicopter jetpack just to trigger a raid


Stupid Mech Dragon

GMM – Dragon in the works aka GRRM Wheres my Dragon.

While we farm the flags and get everyone ready for Tier 3 madness of the last dollop of raids from the current expansion, we have been finding time to look at this BONUS CONTENT GMM event (weeks old pictures follow, as I was benched)

Edit : extra screenshots from Astralwiz !

As learning this has been consistent with current raids we would be lost without our guild fluffer Mizar, and tactic strategist Daze.

Very happy to get this event beaten the day before nerf patch even if I did get benched for the last sodding attempt and win, ill get my tick next week, and maybe even outbid Zzizz on loot from it.

Coming soon, GMM2 and TBL3 – though I dont know which will be first !


The Conflagration Generals

Its another balance raid with added hope your tanks can follow emotes while stupid mobs who AE the raid spawn in stupider to navigate towers.

To say we have come close to beating this many times over the past few weeks is a understatement, we knew it was only a matter of time when we wouldn’t get screwed by unfair mob spawning on the support while the main raid deals with everything.

The premise is simple, balance down these two fellas while they randomly want to be moved to different parts of the zone, while frequent adds get in the way, and if you miss fulfilling an emote you get a slap, knock them out of balance by more than 1% you get a bigger slap.

In the last screenshot, you’ll notice Felrynn wearing a bunny hat, its only a rumour, but I think the source of that fancy hat might be closer to home than many people realise.

Im saying nothing, but Sheev does need stress relief somehow, he is a master of the dark arts, and that is a undead bunny.


Thats all T2 down, and while we have flagging to deal with, there is another raid we can learn.