News Raids

The Outer Brood T3 final

High Priest, High time it got beat.

It seems, in my brief absence of a couple of days raiding due to surgery that AOU decided it was the best time for beating the hardest /final event in the expansion.Take time off, guild beats the expansion, and for guild progression explodes.


More news if there is any.

news update!

No, it wasn’t a fluke, I got my win the week after….

News Raids

The Outer Brood T3

Gentlemen, It is with great pleasure to inform you that
AOU beat 2 of the TOB Tier 3 events
on our first live attempts.


First one was the big heart thing with a flapping eyeball
We briefly looked at this in beta, but its changed a fair bit since that, a lot lot harder than we initially experienced.

I managed to die and zone right on the win, so I got a smelly goose egg reward, guess I have to do this again next week.

The second event being the big dragon control room.

Didn’t expect to beat this one today, we spend a bit of time in beta on this, and it was rough, but here we are and I got some new pants.

As is the norm, its another “under the dragon” event, but very much Dragon Deez Nuts across the raid, Wonderdog seems to enjoy it.

The final Tier 3 event we didn’t really have much time to attempt as the first two take so long to do, we had an idea what to expect, and it didn’t disappoint, we will return to that soon and ill add a further update to the news when we beat it.


News Raids

The Outer Brood T2.3

More Dragon Arse

The last part of TOB T2 is Hazuri, a sub tier upon itself which cannot be attempted until the dock event is down and on lockout, I hate that type of tier events.

While Dock is a hard raid, it doesnt come close to this thing, and as is seemingly a reoccurring aspect of this expansion, due to the mechanics of the event, along with the size of the mob and its hitbox size, its another Dragon Arse event.

Im sure the when the devs design these things they dont take into account the sheer stupidity of it, and there should be a balance between doing the event efficiently, and being able to actually see what you and a majority of the guild is doing, I suppose its biased towards the 3rd person viewer perspectives, which seems to be more and more increasingly common, but if I wanted to look at a game like Diablo, then il’d play Diablo.

besides the aesthetic of current raiding trends being irritating to me, its imperative that events actually work correctly, which I think might not be quite there for this one.

I hope Error is a player and not an add, which isn’t appearing, which would make this event even harder, guess we will see if/when its patched – which might be already done, might be next week, might be next year.

Anyway, we beat it in its raw state which was impressive considering we didn’t get to betatest this at all, and hopefully it gets fixed for the better and not just another dollop of lets block out 90% of the playerbase by putting in untested detail making it next to impossible to win further down the line.