
TOL Beta Testing, Day Two

Terror of Luclin – Beta

Phase two of our beta testing this day sans Dev overseeing involved the giant camel thing in Umbral planes – “Zelnithak”.

Not a lot to report about it, pretty boring event tbh, slap the camel, and baby camels turn up every now and again, pretty standard for a big animal encounter recently.

Just because its a tier one raid, doesnt mean its a pushover

But we got the hang of what happens enough to have a good footing for when its live

Beta day 3 should be more interesting…


TOL Beta testing, day one

Terror of Luclin – Beta

Age of Unity was recently invited to do some beta testing for the upcoming new everquest expansion “Terror of Luclin”.

Our first day was with the imposing avatar of a name familiar to all, Absor.

Taking place in the Basilica of Adumbration  –  Oubliette of Light, a smaller zone, but nonetheless nice to look at, as far as Basilicas containing Oubliettes go.

Someone needs to tell Absor that no levitate means no levitate, get down from there sir !

Without giving too much away about the event, and as it may well change from beta to live anyway, we got a look, and to test a lot of aspects of this T3 raid, I like the new creature graphics and their animations.

The first part involves Fade and Umber, the Laurel and Hardy of golems.

After the golem trouble, you get to see the Oubliette itself, great atmospheric feel to the area, along with a real spooky chap named Keltakun.

Hopefully our mass of corpses contributed to helping Absor tune the event slightly and we look forward to facing it sometime in the future when it goes live.