
Claws of Veeshan – Defenders

Well hey there folks, welcome back, I guess.

After a extended period of time dedicated to moving the guild banner around the entrance to Sleepers Tomb in Eastern wastes, it came upon us that eventually we had to progress and make effort to beat the event blocking our future.

Many attempts looked like this one second.

Then this shortly after

But after a “few” different approaching perspectives, including Sanae taking the reins to become a raid leader in AOU, we turned the event around and scored a decisive victory.

Overall, one of the harder events in recent memories, that always seem easy on the night you beat it.

After beating the defenders we took a quick late night look at what we were being denied all this time, the Sleepers tomb events.

The first one, “something something golems something” has a lot of hoop jumping, but generally nothing new from a raiding point of view, and we almost beat it first attempt with half a raid.









The event was about as thrilling as the bugged chest of half loot we got from it.

After the pasty eaters, we move onto Vulak sitting where Kerafyrm used to be in the tomb, along with 4 familiar dragons in a similar situation to the warders of old.

It shouldnt be long before we best this, and return to Aaryonar, assuming its bugs are now fixed…


Claws of Veeshan Tier 2 part 2 – Dragon sausage

Last week we bested Sontalak.

But I have been otherwise engrossed in watching “Ordinary Sausage” on youtube to dedicate time to write a news update.

So anyway here we are with Sontalak, lets sausage !

We discovered the secret to not leashing him, or at least seem to have, its so secret I don’t know what it is.

The event is quite simple, kill the dragon while dealing with dastardly drake adds, and avoiding a rotating aura and avoiding a sentient dragon statue from looking at you. All while being constrained to “Aarys pit” (as in original ToV has a identical looking dragon in this location, but named Aaryonar – more about him later). Move out the pit too much and you win a dragon foot up your backside booting you out the zone.

In all, once the raid force gets used to the moving about, its easier than the crusaders event in skyshrine, its just getting to that stage that is the challenge.

We did get close to beating Sonty a few times, but it had a few mechanics to avoid the usual cheesing, we didn’t try to boot the drakes off the edge into the fire pit, but ive heard its effective, no point learning a strat that is “probably” going to be fixed, lets do it properly.

Unlike the Crusaders where I got myself whacked trying to take screenshots for the news, I was on hand for the win.

– Turning this

Into this

Just Aaryonar, who now resides in Lady Nevederias cave to deal with for Tier 2 (and I regret my knowledge about 20 year old content, as because I announced to the guild where we were heading aka “Lady” Nevs cave, the guild chat descended into talk about dragon genders, including if Aary is male and do they possess a cloaca…)

Learning this so far has been fun, just a bit of a donkey having to clear the zone crap to get from one side of the zone to the other – why couldn’t Aary be in his original spot, and have Sont in the just as useable zone in circular room?.


Claws of Veeshan – Tier 2

Recently we were blessed with the rollout of Tier 2 raids for the current expansion.

We have three raids here in T2, a sequential pair in Temple of Veeshan (Sontalak and Aaryonar), and a single in Skyshrine (The Crusaders)

After briefly touching these in Beta we had a vague understanding of the events, which as usual proved to be little or no benefit as they had changed so much from Beta to live to render any foreknowledge pretty redundant.

Our first live inspection of Sontalak revealed its buggy state of an uncontrolled and leashing/resetting dragon, so after a few attempts we gave it up to focus on the Crusaders (as of course Aaryonar cannot be attempted unless Sontalak is clear, usual cockblock Dev tactics)

So onto the Crusaders, this takes place in Yelinaks donut, a large O shaped area with a blocked off central piece, 4 gatekeeper dragons at each corner, and the plan is kill them one a time while avoiding the usual dragon and raid antics of AEs, teleporter roamer slimes and a bunch o adds that serve little purpose other than slow it down a tad.









It took us longer than expected to beat this (got close numerous times but got unlucky with final dragon moves, all sorts of unlucky stuff)

Until eventually, we got the prize to meet Yelinak and inspect his box.Hopefully we have the formula to have some serious attempts at Sontalak and him not leashing, as I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon, and I dare not touch upon the reported bugs/problems noted with Aaryonar.