
The Conflagration Generals

Its another balance raid with added hope your tanks can follow emotes while stupid mobs who AE the raid spawn in stupider to navigate towers.

To say we have come close to beating this many times over the past few weeks is a understatement, we knew it was only a matter of time when we wouldn’t get screwed by unfair mob spawning on the support while the main raid deals with everything.

The premise is simple, balance down these two fellas while they randomly want to be moved to different parts of the zone, while frequent adds get in the way, and if you miss fulfilling an emote you get a slap, knock them out of balance by more than 1% you get a bigger slap.

In the last screenshot, you’ll notice Felrynn wearing a bunny hat, its only a rumour, but I think the source of that fancy hat might be closer to home than many people realise.

Im saying nothing, but Sheev does need stress relief somehow, he is a master of the dark arts, and that is a undead bunny.


Thats all T2 down, and while we have flagging to deal with, there is another raid we can learn.

News Raids

Prince Ralaifin’s prince Albert

Our ongoing mission to flag a large number of players to raid as equally as possible is nearing completion, so unlike other guilds that will plow headfirst into newly opened content as soon as its available, we took some of our raiding timeslot to revisit T1 as a priority over learning T2 raids.

The latest win is the strangely named “Prince Ralaifin”, a simple raid on the surface with a bunch of “guess what this emote means – oh your all dead” effects, its not much to really look at once you clear the utterly unnecessary stupid base pop of trash.

Four Elementals, complete with awful hitboxes and animations that fool you into knowing where they actually are, and a bunch of spiders….

Shoutout time to Astralwiz, who wanted to be in the news, and our favourite of the 4 elementals, Ralaifin Ecclescake, because it makes no sense.

Next time on AOU : The Final Frontier

We did a bit of this event in Beta, so we have perhaps a hours headstart on how not to beat it.


Sunshine, Fog, and weird feather dragon thing?

After gaining Tier 2 access a short while ago and taking the time to flag enough for viable attempts, our first win came quickly with Esianti: Palace of the Winds: Contract of War.

While we did look at this one briefly during Beta, it was the utter bare bones setup – no emote texts, one mob a time, and untuned effects, we gained absolutely no advantage from testing to going live.

Anyway, about this raid, balance down 3 bosses, where have I seen that before?, at least the zone layout is pleasant.

For the rollcall we have the lovely Ms Sunshine Sensible Warmth

Then we have Mr “I ain’t gettin’ on no plane, fool” Radiant Fog Evening

And finally, the “I don’t even know what i’m looking at” bird dragon snake thing – Feather Silver Sheen

An enjoyable raid to learn and look forward to farming while we work the next Tier 2 events.

And a final word from our sponsor Clyde, for those who thought AOU would not work, we took the right turn, it didn’t do us so mad.