
A little undead magic

Well after our last little jaunt we decided to have a day or 3 off. I mean wouldn’t everyone

want a break after having to face this?

So we head  headed over to meet up with this bloke and explain a fewthings to him.

He doesn’t really look like much but looks can be very deceiving. After all we’ve all seen Garot.

I’m really surprised they even let this rabble through the front door. They look a BIT dodgy to me and I mean DODGY.

Well on the way there we met up with this

I really wish people would stop leaving trash lying about. 🙂

But anyway, A little bit of this, a little bit of that. All that and then followed by a little undead action

and BLAM!!!!!

Talk about spam or what? Hahahaha.

And the picture of the month is. <drum roll>

I’ve heard of cat in the hat but Iksar in the hat? hah!!

Ok,so onto the good stuff now and boy has there been a lot of good stuff recently. Heh

Ok that’s all for me for now. I think you might well be hearing from a certain froggy very soon. I can’t possibly think of why. Hehehe.


Let Sleeping Dragons lie

OMG!!! Someone clean up this mess please.

Oops erm, sorry Purr but I just couldn’t resist.

Well dead kitty piccies have been a bit lacking recently. 

It’s been at least 5 minutes since my last update but we have been very busy and kicking botty.

So we toodled over to East Wastes and this was waiting for us.

Such a cwute dwagon.

Well, maybe he was cute whilst asleep. It was a slightly different matter once he woke up.


And of course there is a certian pink kittie. OMG less preening amd more killing. 🙂

Ok well after eating half the guild we had to call in some help.

After that everything was total cake and BOOM

Hmm, trust a bloody shadowknight to come in and solo the sucker. hehe

Anyway after this is the point all this extra SPAM happens.

And then obviously the good stuff. 🙂

Ok well, that’s another update done and dusted. I’m pretty sure there will be another one very soon.

Not sure how I can possibly know that already but it will be from Anlak. <winks> FROGS!!!!!

Anyway if I don’t have cause to post anything else before then have a great

Christmas or Chanukah or whatever it is you celebrate at this time of year and

Don’t get TOOOOOO drunk. Well unless your name is Draakx or Ouklaol that is.



The Three Stooges

Something gives me the idea my pet needs to have a chat with a certain froggie.

Anyway, we headed over to Kael Drakkel and met up with these three

characters AGAIN.


You noticed Dain lying down on the job. Probably drunk as usual. Typical dwarf situation. hehe

Anyway a bit of this and a bit of that, some loud explosions and flashes of light and all of a sudden


Then a lot of cheering and rejoucing was heard.

Of course the obligatory loot. 🙂

At this point we headed over to East Wastes and found this bloke asleep

At the moment it is about Zeixshi-Kar 16 Pikeys 0 but his time is numbered.

Expect to hear more very soon.