
Holy LAG Batman!!!

Well Hrmm, I wasn’t expecting to have to post a new news update QUITE so soon but here goes. 🙂 Firstly, Isn’t this an awful lot of rats?


Hold on a sec. That doesn’t look like rats to me. Looks more like someone is leaving trash lying about again. Either that or Purrfection is sleeping on the job yet again. 🙂

Ok ok maybe this is the rats.


Ok that’s the hilarity out of the way. We came back on last night for some more CoTF raid fun and met this bloke on our travels.


WTF and FFS. Someone PLEASE call this bloke a dentist. Ok don’t bother. He didn’t last long enough for the dentist to do him any good.

He did leave this behind though. :-



So we were in a really good mood after this since it seems we were only about the 9th or 10th guild to actually beat this raid. We then had to go and do something really foolish and stupid. Unfortunately when we got to Bixie Hive the lag monster really laid waste to us. That said, even the lag monster cannot stop our utter uberness. Is there even such a word? Screw that. Even if their isn’t it should be created for us. So we ended up having to fight this bloke PLUS the lag monster at the same time.


Needless to say there is only one winner in this fight. Even lagging us out couldn’t help this bloke stay alive any longer.



Hrmm. Something definitely went slightly wrong there with those screenshots. LOL. I shall need to go home and check them and work out what happened and then maybe fix them but don’t hold your breath on that one.

There is more chance of Garot casting a heal spell. :p

Ok one final thing for now, but this might break a lot of monitors. CHEESE!!!!! hehe

I need to remember to photoshop out that purple Dark Elf next time. 🙂


At the rate things are progressing expect a Neriak win news post VERY soon now.

And p.s. I’m sorry but I just could not resist this but for the first time in a very very very long time we have beaten a raid BEFORE Raging Fury. Ok ok I expect plenty of bombs through my letterbox now but it was well worth it. 🙂

A big congratulations to US !!!!!


Purrfection, Purrfection, wherefore art thou Purrfection

Hahah it’s that time again. New expansions’R’us. The expansion was released yesterday and being on the time zone we are on we decided to visit it today for the first time. This guy was waiting for us at the gates.


WTF? How did THAT get there? Hmm. ok. Get into the cook pot RIGHT NOW…….. It’s dinner time.

Ok ok. It wasn’t really her bunnieness but this bloke waiting for us.


And FFS I had barely woken up and then this happened. SPAM INC. hehe


I will sign off just now because I’m in the middle of our raid and I’m really hoping more good news will be appearing very soon. Maybe even in the next hour or so. 🙂


The End is nigh

for the current expansion……..

Firstly, If you are interested in raiding and looking for a guild to join, Pikeys is always on the look out for exceptional people. We are currently looking specifically for :- Bards, Rogues, Monks, Berzerkers, Shaman and Clerics, But we will never say no to anyone good. If you are interested then please go to  or you can speak with any recruitment people :-

Yinla, Horgarth, Glymmer, Purrfection  or you can send me a tell to Wabb. Conversely as Yinla just pointed out to me you can also fill in the recruitment application form above.


Ok, who put that corpse there? Someone please come clear it away………


Yikes. And now some random Dark Elf. Mind you a Dark Elf a day does keep the doctor away after all. <ducks all the rotten fruit and garbage> Ok, now for some official expansion stuff. Tier 4 was released a few weeks ago and something like 22 guilds beat the first raid the day it was released. Ye gads. We beat it a couple of days later but then we zoomed onwards and upwards and beat raids 2 and 3 within another few days. There is still some pesky spider that needs to die horribly but that is for another day. Her time will come. 🙂 Ok now for some random eye candy from the Heart of Fear raids. This guy is pretty cool but I’m still not quite sure how many Vah Shir and Dark Elven skulls he can get round his neck. Hahaha


This next bloke is a personal mate of Drucilogs. He has certainly killed it enough times in the group mission. <winks>


This next is a Garot self portrait and I think he managed to capture the likeness brilliantly.


Wooooooooo. Take that sheet off your head Purr FFS. It doesn’t suit you. I will get you a load of catnip and some shoes later on. 🙂


OMG Does this bloke ever actually stay DEAD? I think we must have killed him at least 7 times now. DIE please. :p


And of course, the obligatory spam from the end of Heart of Fear. I am sure my name must be in there somewhere. Hehe


 And finally here we go with a nice piccie of Luclin and her favourite slave. OMG I am so dead. 🙂 


Well that’s it for another Everquest expansion. There are lots of stories and rumours and information about the new Everquest expansion which is due to be released at the end of September. I will post more once I know more about this expansion.