
Call of the Forsaken – The end of an era

Well here we go, It seems that Call of the Forsaken is finally done with at last.

We Beat the final 2 raids at last a couple of weeks ago.

First off. Here is a link to all the lovely new Raid Videos. Thanks a lot to Mistfalcon for this.

Pikeys Raid Videos



Purrfection taught us how to wipe a raid in one easy lesson. then she sat down and gloated about it. OMG!!!!!

<eyes the cuddly mouse toy>

First off we visited the brand new zone and raid called Argin-Hiz, and of course we bumped into our

favourite dark elf AGAIN. You wonder how she manages to get about so much. Maybe I should see

about getting her travel budget from Purrfection sometime. Mind you, after the above script I don’t

see that happening anytime in the near future. 🙂


Look up the word RABBLE in the dictionary and this is the picture you will see there. I may have to

supply magnifying glasses to people so they can actually make out what’s here. Hahaha

A short time after this we get the obligatory spam. Hehe, so much good spam. 🙂



Then we moved on and met up with this bloke again. You may recognise him. He’s certainly ugly enough.


And of course shortly after our favourite Dark Elf appeared.

I’m actually surprised how long she lasted since she is only a measly Dark Elf.




And of course also followed by more required Spam. Heh



So, that is the end of yet another Everquest expansion. The 21st expansion should be coming out very soon so hopefully I will have some nice updates for all our Pikey fans very soon now.



Tower of Rot

Ok we came…… And…….

That Kyle Bayle bloke is not very nice and really had to be given a right good talking to. On entering his room this is all we saw.


followed by —–


Looks real scary? NOT!!!!!

After weeks of this happening we realised that this was not going to be easy. hahahahah

DEAD Pikeys

Ok, how did Pinky manage to survive? LOL

Well, after a couple of weeks of the above we got right hacked off and Purr’s pet decided enough was enough.

About 10 minutes and after Purr’s pet having serious words with this bloke this happened.


OMG!!! Such partying and happiness. Our bestest ever result so far.

5th guild serverwide to beat this bloke. I don’t normally blow our own trumpets but did you hear me right? FIFTH serverwide to beat this.

And just for some more epeen rights. :-


BTW 5th server wide to beat this raid. Heheh. :p

And a final Grats to Triton for also winning this event last night. 🙂


Tower of Rot

Tower of Rot must die…….

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