Pikeys need you .
We currently need Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Monk,Rogue,Shaman,Beastlord
 other classes may be accepted if they are exceptional and will be decided on a case by case basis.

Zalikor, Devourer of Dragons

Another big win for us

and now some loots

Christmas holiday now

and New Year  just around the corner

But i guess we hear news from the “Gnome” soon enough.

merry christmas and  happy new year


Evantil and Grelleth

Here is a few “semi” news

we been busy this week and to make a long storie short i will tell you a storie about a tree and a pig .

walking around we found a huge old tree,

this old tree had a few surprises for us.

and while running around feeling like boy scouts again we found

Nest Protector

and as Adroxia allways tell us , dont play with fire !!

 and now for the fun part



so with enough fire and tree  ,all we needed for a party

was a pig , and we found quite a few.

But when Pikey gets in party mood we hard to stop again.


and the happy group picture 🙂

thats about it for today

and i guess you hear the gnome again soon

over and out
