Beta Raids

The Outer Brood – BETA

Its October, and its beta time.

Once again this year, AOU was invited to assist with Beta raiding for the new expansion – The Outer Brood.

Our first raid, extremely early on into Beta testing (just a few days after it opening) was headed again by the nice guy of DPG Devs – Ngreth.

Our turnout was good this year, and Ngreth informed us that the event we would be testing would be the entry level raid of the expansion.The raid named “Herald of the Outer Brood”, set in Hodstock Hills, designed by Absor (as it seems are most raids this expansion) features some new graphical NPC models unique to this expansion.


In the quick heads up about what we might expect, the boss was described as an “Angel” model, so I was expecting a classic catholic blonde Adonis with big old feathery wings…. However….

Being a educated man, I recognised this flying nightmare for what it is, and top marks to the art team for producing this thing, an actual angel.

The event itself was perhaps slightly easy, but being this early into the testing I expect Absor to change a few aspects of it, otherwise it was pretty much ready to go out the box with most things working as intended.

From what ive seen so far, I really like the new creatures, and looking forward to our next Beta encounters.
