TOV – Heart of Frozen Shadow
Tier 2 raids of TOV take place in Tower of Frozen Shadow, however…
Due to budget cuts, there isnt a Iceclad ocean zone, and therefore no “actual” TOFS, instead we get a dwarf and a portal in Eastern wastes to take us to the interior zone, this could be forgiven in itself, if it wasnt for the knowledge that we missed out on a gargantuan updated Lodizal raid – for shame devs !
The first raid of TOFS isnt enticing, not much to look at besides one big black gonad in the middle of the room, and a more annoying than detrimental slippy ice effect on the floor.
kill the speccies, doges and boners, then torment the testicle while getting slapped in the face with a progressive debuff, thats about it.
A simple event complicated by nuisances more than a difficulty, and beaten in due course after a few days learning