
Let Sleeping Dragons lie

OMG!!! Someone clean up this mess please.

Oops erm, sorry Purr but I just couldn’t resist.

Well dead kitty piccies have been a bit lacking recently.Β 

It’s been at least 5 minutes since my last update but we have been very busy and kicking botty.

So we toodled over to East Wastes and this was waiting for us.

Such a cwute dwagon.

Well, maybe he was cute whilst asleep. It was a slightly different matter once he woke up.


And of course there is a certian pink kittie. OMG less preening amd more killing. πŸ™‚

Ok well after eating half the guild we had to call in some help.

After that everything was total cake and BOOM

Hmm, trust a bloody shadowknight to come in and solo the sucker. hehe

Anyway after this is the point all this extra SPAM happens.

And then obviously the good stuff. πŸ™‚

Ok well, that’s another update done and dusted. I’m pretty sure there will be another one very soon.

Not sure how I can possibly know that already but it will be from Anlak. <winks> FROGS!!!!!

Anyway if I don’t have cause to post anything else before then have a great

Christmas or Chanukah or whatever it is you celebrate at this time of year and

Don’t get TOOOOOO drunk. Well unless your name is Draakx or Ouklaol that is.


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