Well well well here i am again, with great news from the battlefields.
To make a long story short we won CoB under a week ago
Since we are flagged for Sepulcher we took a look.
We found this.

Well well well here i am again, with great news from the battlefields.
To make a long story short we won CoB under a week ago
Since we are flagged for Sepulcher we took a look.
We found this.Well it is that time again obviously.
Of course we have to start with the obligatory dead kitty piccie. 🙂
Thanks to Zaph for noticing the next one. At least I can now blame Zaph for making me post this with a gun to my head. He said he would shoot me if I didn’t post it. Honest gov. <gulps>
Admittedly she might have had a point there………..
But anyway, onto more important stuff now.
City of Bronze has been really kicking our ass for a while now and I’m sure the bosses have all gained a few levels in the time.
A couple of guys who really gained a lot of exp at our expense
Mind you as you can see they are both on 0% health in those pictures so needless to say they both keeled over pretty quickly after that. hehe
Very shortly after they died this happened
Followed very quickly by
Hmm then you get the evidence about Adroxia ninjaing all our loot as usual. 🙂
Some not bad loot was had that night.